GPIO_USE_SEL—GPIO Use Select Register
0 = Signal used as native function.
1 = Signal used as a GPIO.
GP_IO_SEL—GPIO Input/Output Select Register
0 = Output. The corresponding GPIO signal is an output.
1 = Input. The corresponding GPIO signal is an input.
GPI_INV—GPIO Signal Invert Register
0 = The corresponding GPI_STS bit is set when the Chipset detects the state of the input pin to be high.
1 = The corresponding GPI_STS bit is set when the Chipset detects the state of the input pin to be low.
GPIO_ROUT—GPIO Routing Control Register (PM—D31:F0)
GPIOxx Route:
00 = No effect.
01 = SMI# (if corresponding ALT_GPI_SMI_EN bit is also set)
10 = SCI (if corresponding GPE0_EN bit is also set)
11 = Reserved
Method (_Lxx,0){
Store(0x15, DBG8) // DBG8 name translates to IO port 80h
Sleep (1000) // Wait for 1sec for display DBG8